Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Our Emotional Guidance System

As a Law of Attraction Coach, the common theme I see with clients is the impatience of manifestation. "Why is it not coming to me?", "I did everything The Secret told me to, so why is it taking so long?".

The reason? The element of doubt that you are sending out. Even if you read the questions, you can sense the impatience in the question and you can imagine the person saying it, getting frustrated, can't you?

How is this believing that what you have asked for, you shall receive?

The Law of Attraction is far bigger than only "Thoughts become things". Our feelings and emotions play a huge part in the manifestation process too. It's all too easy to think something, send it out into the universe and then focus on it missing...erm that's not going to get you anywhere. Why? You are now focussing on the lack of having it, therefore the emotional vibrations that you are sending out into the universe are contradicting, what you put out originally.

One vital point about the universe, if you focus on something for too long, be it  wanted or unwanted, it is always responded with a yes from the universe and before you know it, it's in front of your eyes!

We all have the ability to tap into our emotional guidance system. It is within us all. If you practice the Law of Attraction (LOA), and you haven't seen results, it's because you are not paying attention to your emotional guidance system.

If you are feeling frustrated, angry, upset or focussing on the lack of and anything else negative, you are emotionally down. Therefore, you are sending out negative vibrations out into the energy field in the universe and therefore will attract more of the same. If, on the other hand, you start to focus on uplifting things and ensure that emotionally you start each day on a good note and stay focussed on the good things and anticipate only good things for you and those around you, you will begin to attract what you want, that will make you even happier.

Why does this work? LOA is all about like attracts like. Nothing good will ever come, if you are always miserable and negative.

You have to remember your emotions play a huge role in LOA and the manifestation process. After all, the main reason you want certain things in life, is to feel good, right? So why not start feeling good now and begin the manifestation ball rolling...

If you feel you would benefit from One to One coaching, to work on and understand your Emotional Guidance System, please visit my website below,  and contact me to book your initial session.

Until next time

Coach Rita

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