Friday, 10 April 2015

Find true Happiness

I had a conversation with a cab driver this week, which got me thinking about true happiness and how many of us are not happy in our careers.

The cab driver mentioned that often he will pick up passengers, to take them to their chosen destination, during the week and the passenger would be so quiet and very serious and hardly make any conversation with them. But when picking up the same passengers on a weekend, "its like picking up a completely different person!" he told me. The passenger would be chatting away and laughing and so relaxed.

So I wonder, is it the working week that does this to so many of us. Even when you travel on the train Mon-Fri, everyone seems so serious, but on the weekend the air feels light and relaxed.

Are we really that conformed to routine that our whole vibrations and personality changes from week to weekend? Why it is that everyone seems to unwind when Friday hits, but is slow and sluggish come Monday morning?

If it is due to not being happy in your job...change it right now! Life is not meant to be this way. Is the 9 to 5 hours and the Monday - Friday scenario really worth changing your 'happy-go-lucky' personality for?

Too many of us settle for a life of doing a role to pay the bills and wishing time to go by fast, so we can have fun at the weekend and be free. This is not living...this is wishing time away.

Find fun things to do during the week, don't be less sociable with everyone because you have to get to your never know what opportunities lie in conversations.

Find your true happiness and hold onto what makes you smile..24/7, 365 days a year...not just at weekends and holidays.

I'll leave you with a final thought...if your last day on earth was during the week Mon-Fri...would you want to go out miserable or smiling???? I know what I would choose....

Until Next time

Stay true to you

Coach Rita Hurry!coach-rita-hurry/ckbz

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