Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Just Be

So upon reflection this week, I would say my message from the universe and for everyone is to allow yourself to just be. We all too often get ourselves stressed and focussed on all the details and keep on analysing everything we do and what people's reactions are to us. Does this really matter in the long scheme of things?

When you breathe your last breath, do you think you will be thinking about all the details or do you think you will just be?

We are all pure energy, pure spiritual beings living in the body that we have been given to take us through each day. Do you think our spiritual energy being is worried about what this person thinks of us, or what that person is saying to the other about us? Most probably not. Our energy within is but pure light, looking to experience great joy and happiness. To experience life and love.

Our physical reality sometimes consumes us so much, that we forget that there is so much more than what is seen. We are creators and we can create so much more in our lives, if we just let go of the details of life and focus on the joy.

Ask yourself this question...what feels better, sweating the small stuff and worrying all the time or letting go of it all and just enjoying life and those around you?

Now go with what feels lighter, as that is what your inner spirit wants too.

So as always I keep this short and sweet, and ask you one thing...Just Be! Be you the wonderful source of energy that you are and flow through life with the light of your true inner spirit.

SO until next time

Stay positive and just be...

Coach Rita

Monday, 11 August 2014

The beauty of true love

Today I met this inspirational woman, that had this beautiful presence about her and when she spoke of life and the love she had for another, it truly was inspiring.

This woman, wasn't a business woman or had great credentials to her name. This was a woman who had such warmth and passion for other human beings, that no education or title could give her. It was a true love from within.

This woman was a mother of 3 children, married to her partner for 14 years. She has never worked and cannot write English. She lives a simple life. Looks after the house, takes her children to and from school, cooks the food, does the housework and supports her husband emotionally. A very simple life that she loves. Why? She loves to love her family. She loves to support her husband after a hard day at work. She massages his head and his back after a hard day on the building site, she supports her children through school and loves to love them....this woman loves to love.

She spoke about the pain she feels when she sees another hurting and how she wants to make those around her feel love and smile. She spoke about her passion to touch people's lives in someway, through touch that can heal ailments. She spoke about the essence and importance of saying thank you for everything including her family everyday and showing her family that she loves them no matter what.

In her eyes there was true love, no expectation that she should be rewarded for what she does, no expectation that her husband should be a certain way to get the massages. She just loves to love and care.

She told me one thing that we miss in society today, is the ability to share and talk, just sit down and talk to each other, without looking at each other thinking, "look at the faults on her face" or "he's put on a bit of weight", but just enjoy each others company and talk. She's right....so I did that today.

I spoke to this woman for a good hour today and it was the most enlightening part of my day the universe blessed me with. I felt love and spirit rolled into one. I saw the true essence of true love.

Many of us today, base our love on what we get back, but true true love is based on what we give. The ability to love yourself so much that you give love because you over flow with it and not expecting it to be topped up by another before you'll share.

I was blessed to have this hour with this woman and I am thankful that the universe blesses us with those whom we can learn even more from and to remind us of the path that we strive to stay on.

Honestly, right now I feel the love...love for my family, friends, my partner and if he were here right now, he'd get the best massage ever! :-)

But seriously, let's be an inspiration to each other. Let's not wait for someone else to fill your cup of love, fill your cup up with so much love for yourself that you have so much that you want to share. Fill it so full that the love that overflows just naturally pours out on everyone you meet.

For living is not about taking, its about true love, the essence that only your spirit, deep within can pour out into the world and fill you up at the same time.

I hope this post inspires you and touches you that you too can feel the love.

Until next time

Love you all :-)

Coach Rita

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Black and white

So let me ask you a question....Do you see things in black and white or do you see things as energy free falling?

I had a discussion today about how we as people perceive things in life and I was told that many of us prefer to see things as black and white, as it gives structure to our thinking and helps us to deal with things. Seeing things too open and having too many choices, can be too scary for some therefore, this way of thinking is best for them.

This conversation got me thinking, how many of us miss out on what life can offer us because of this fear. Has our own thinking limited us from all the possibilities life has to offer...my answer to that is YES!

It is scary to have so many choices to make, but without those choices, we might as well not have a mind to think. Our thinking shapes our reality. If fear of making a choice is allowed to take over, we become only two things...black and white. We lose out on the colour of what truly life is.

Yes, I agree that sometimes thinking black and white brings a structure to our life, that sometimes is needed, but that structure can still be implemented in a positive way without the fear. You can still be open to choices and maintain a structure to achieve your goals at the same time.

We are infinite beings made up of energy...that's it. Like electricity, we have our own power, our own light and as energy, we have no end to what we can achieve. So why limit energy. Would you place limits on God or the Universe? Many are scared of what life can bring and therefore limit the mind to what is here and now...but my message to you, is let go, let your infinite being shine through and open the doors to endless possibilities. You have them in the palm of your hand. Life can be so much more if you just move away from black and white and bring back the colour into your world.

Coach Rita